Our members

Discover the backgrounds and work of the eminent French and international scientists who make up our community. Each member brings his or her unique expertise in a variety of fields, contributing to the richness of exchanges and the advancement of science.


© Mathieu Baumer

Academicians are elected for life, following a rigorous process spanning almost a year.

The opening of an election session is decided at the beginning of the year. At least half of the seats to be filled are reserved for candidates aged under 55 on January 1 of the election year. Nominations may only be made by Academy members.

Academicians are divided into sections belonging to one of two divisions: "Mathematical and physical sciences, sciences of the universe, and their applications" and "Chemical, biological and medical sciences, and their applications."


  • 281
    Academy members
  • 116
    Foreign associates
  • 58

They carry out their mission mainly within thematic committees, essential for the Academy's advice and expertise.

The Academy's lines of intervention and strategic choices are decided by the Perpetual Secretaries, who base their decisions on several governance bodies: the Plenary Assembly of Academicians (or Secret Committee), the Select Committee, the Bureau and three delegations (International Relations, Scientific Information and Communication, Education and Training).


Perpetual Secretaries.

All our members

Président sortant
  • Biologie humaine et sciences médicales
  • Sciences de l'univers
Secrétaire perpétuel
  • Mathématique
Secrétaire perpétuel
  • Biologie intégrative

All our members

Associé étranger
Photo Anderson
  • Biologie humaine et sciences médicales
Associé étranger
Cédric Blanpain
  • Biologie humaine et sciences médicales
Associé étranger
Michael Brady
  • Sciences mécaniques et informatiques
  • Applications des sciences
Associé étranger
Max Cooper
  • Biologie humaine et sciences médicales
Associée étrangère
Ingrid Daubechies
  • Sciences mécaniques et informatiques
Associée étrangère
Ann-Patricia Dowling
  • Sciences mécaniques et informatiques
  • Applications des sciences
Associé étranger
Stuart Edelstein
  • Biologie humaine et sciences médicales
Associé étranger
Katalin Karikò
  • Biologie humaine et sciences médicales
Associée étrangère
Mary-Claire King
  • Biologie humaine et sciences médicales
Associé étranger
Donald Knuth
  • Sciences mécaniques et informatiques
Associé étranger
Peter Lax
  • Sciences mécaniques et informatiques
Associé étranger
Yann Le Cun
  • Sciences mécaniques et informatiques