Comité pour l'Enseignement des sciences
President: Claude JAUPART - Since 2022.
Presentation:The Comité pour l'Enseignement des sciences was set up in 2005 with the Délégation à l'enseignement et à la formation (DEF) and has as its objectives to ensure the quality of science teaching and work to ensure that the achievements of scientific development are integrated into the culture of the citizens of our time, in accordance with one of the missions enshrined in the Académie's statutes.
Members: Geneviève ALMOUZNI PETTINOTTI - Nalini ANANTHARAMAN - René BLANCHET - Alain CADIX - Bernard CASTAING - Janine COSSY - Hugo DUMINIL-COPIN - Étienne GHYS - Denis GRATIAS - Anne HOUDUSSE-JUILLÉ - Claude JAUPART (Committee Chairman and DEF) - Pierre LÉNA - Didier ROUX - Laure SAINT-RAYMOND - Antoine TRILLER.
External members: Jean-Pierre CHEVALIER (Académie des technologies).