Ethics Committee
Presidents: Pierre CORVOL - Académie des sciences (AS) - Section biologie humaine et sciences médicales and Daniel ANDLER - Académie des sciences morales et politiques (ASMP) - Section philosophie.
Messieurs ANDLER and CORVOL have agreed to serve a first term as co-chairs of this committee.
Presentation : The Académie des sciences (AS) and the Académie des sciences morales et politiques (ASMP) seek to integrate the debates of national and international ethics committees. The aim is to contribute to global ethical decisions while avoiding redundancy with existing structures. The Ethics Committee will act as an advisory body to the Academies, addressing in particular the ethical issues raised by artificial intelligence (AI). This includes its practical applications and its impact on scientific research. These reflections will require collaboration with other national and international ethics committees, such as the C.C.N.E du Numérique.
Members : Bruno CHAUDRET - Sébastien CANDEL - Philippe KOURILSKY - Jean-Claude DUPLESSY - Marie-Paule CANI - François BACCELLI - Bernard STIRN - Hervé GAYMARD - Anne-Sophie SRAUSS GODFROY - Pierre-Michel MENGER