Science and Biosafety Committee
Chairman: Antoine TRILLER - Since 2021.
Presentation: Created in 2012, the Science and Biosafety Committee follows on from the Science and Defense Committee (author in 1995 of a report on the danger of biological weapons), which first became the Science and Security Committee in 2005 to follow the signing, by the Academy and 67 of its counterparts, of the InterAcademy Convention on Biosafety. The Committee brings together experts from various fields of interest to the life sciences and, in particular, the medical sciences, and is the scientific arm of the National Advisory Council for Biosafety (CNCB) set up by decree in 2015 by the General Secretariat for Defense and National Security (SGDSN), itself placed under the authority of the Prime Minister. The CNCB is tasked with reflecting on and issuing opinions and recommendations on the misappropriation of the biological sciences and ways of guarding against it, while preserving the freedom and integrity of research.
Members: Christian Amatore - Jean-François Bach - Antoine Danchin - Michel Delseny - Anne Fagot-Largeault - Robert Guillaumont - Michel Lazdunski - Daniel Mansuy - Bernard Meunier - Olivier Pironneau - Alain-Jacques Valleron
+ External personalities who are members of the National Biosafety Advisory Council: Patrick Berche and Patrice Binder